Use of smart glasses to coordinate transfers in Asia

The relocation of two of the lines, from Dongguan to Pune and from Shenyang to Tianjin, faced challenges due to the impossibility of traveling to the destination (our customers' plant). With the Covid-19 restrictions and the requirement to employ local staff, it was decided to coordinate all activities remotely from Loire Gestamp. To this end, a team of qualified technicians and installers was organized, using innovative tools to ensure the success of the project.
On the one hand, Loire Gestamp was responsible for coordinating the work and supervising the mechanical and electrical assembly. On the other hand, the local project manager supervised the activities at the destination site, where local assemblers had no previous experience in the specific lines. Due to this circumstance, it was necessary to provide support and a close and detailed follow-up of their work.
The team demonstrated their constant search for tools and ways to innovate in their projects by using smart glasses as an essential tool for the correct execution of this particular project. In addition to the smart glasses, we had an online platform that allowed us to verify and coordinate the work from Loire Gestamp, avoiding the need to travel to the destination.
To carry out the coordination from Loire Gestamp, daily video calls were used via smart glasses, cell phones and computers. Remote support was established via an online platform and allowed visual monitoring of the status of the work in real time, giving the feeling of being present on site.
Similarly, in terms of safety and quality of work, smart glasses also played an important role. The success of this initiative was largely due to our team's commitment and willingness to make real-time indications in the same image, a functionality that other platforms such as Teams or WhatsApp do not offer.